Background / History The priceless laboratory research which reveals the cause of pain, cancer, heart disease and every other disease was done between 1930 and 1963, at Harvard, Tulane, and Mississippi Medical Schools, by Dr. Cecil K. Drinker, MD, Dr. H. S. Mayerson, MD, and Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, MD.
In 1966 - the International Society of Lymphology (I.S.L.) was formed out of the top Medical Lymphologists in the world, which Corwin Samuel West and Stephen Ezra West have participated with. This was the largest medical research project ever pulled off in history and it required the assistance of international military forces to bring the greatest medical minds who studied the lymphatic system together from all over the world (including from behind the Iron Curtain).
An important note from a historical point of view: The society was NOT set up as a pure medical society according to it's Articles of Organization, which sort of made it operate as a secret society until thirteen years later when Dr. C. Samuel West was accepted as the first non-medical doctor to become a member of this society. Even though they were operating just like a pure medical society, the Articles of Organization (which are typically written by Attorneys) have limited the members, who have also been some of the top Medical Doctors in the world, from publishing their findings with the rest of the world.
Without being a pure medical society, they can't publish any of their findings in our most well respected scientific and medical journals! And they can't self publish without the risk of getting their license taken away and becoming ostracized by best friends.
Most of these top medical minds in the world were department heads of medical schools and universities who didn't learn about it in school but were smart enough to figure things out on their own. They were initially exited about the idea of sharing information with eachother because up to that point there wasn't anyone else who they could hold an intelligent conversation with about it. Yet because the society technically wasn't a pure medical society according to the way the Articles of Organization were written, sharing certain truths with the rest of the world wasn't permitted, and could be very dangerous. After all, this was the biggest medical cover up in history!
With enough perspective, everything appears perfect. It is as though there is a great plan for everything and everyone in the universe.
This research appeared to have been buried when Dr C Samuel West found it with God's help! And even though we've uncovered evidence the medical profession seemingly 'dropping the ball' here, the life saving research was still disseminated because of the fact that since Dr West was a non-medical doctor, he was not restricted by the rules of a typical medical doctor of how discoveries are published and/or disseminated.
In 1967 - Dr West experienced a spiritual epiphany and was inspired to start his journey to become a doctor and teach people how to heal themselves. He 'picked up the ball' and we've been moving the ball forward ever since. And he didn't even know about the society at the time he got started.
In 1978 - Dr West met Dr Mayerson for the very first time even though he had already begun lecturing about Mayerson in 200 cities per year. They didn't meet prior to that because Dr West was under the assumption that Mayerson was already dead. Dr West thought that if Mayerson was still alive he'd be finding more of Mayerson's published material (which came to a sudden halt after the secret society was formed), so he just continued to give lectures on the 'Seven Golden Discoveries'. Through meeting with Mayerson for the first time at his home they both became quick friends and Dr West learned of the oldest lymphology laboratory in the country as well as the society, which meets in a different part of the world every two years.
In 1979 - C. Samuel West attended the society's congress for the first time in Florence Italy and because he knew so much about the science he was accepted as the first non-medical doctor in history to be a member at that time. With the exception of Dr West, the focus of the society has been limited to the treatment of Lymphedema (fluid retention and swelling of tissue caused by trapped and locked blood proteins). Read more below:
In 1982 - C. Samuel West founded an academy (IAL) to issue the first ever official educational degree for a Lymphologist, known as a 'Certified Lymphologist' degree, who are also 'Health Missionaries' and 'International Ambassadors of Health and Peace', who teach life saving research all over the world. He developed his idea for the Doctor of Preventive Medicine (PMD) and shortly after, he stepped out of his position of his academy, placing his son Stephen Ezra West in his stead, who continues with the understanding that Lymphology is actually the hidden science of all empowerment (the main purpose of life) - as everything we think, say, and do, all tie into the life and death processes of the cells. So with the leadership of Stephen Ezra West, the name of Clarity University was born out of greater and greater understandings and abilities.
Dr. C. Samuel West, DN, ND, PMD* — Chemist and Lymphologist Nobel Prize Nominee
• In 1974 - he became the first person in the world to give public lectures on the lymphatic system, and in 1976 he began lecturing full time, in approximately 200 cities per year (about five to six cities per week) for seventeen years.
• By 1978 - Dr. C. Samuel West wrote, "If we could overcome pre-mature aging, the MASTER of all degenerative diseases, we could over come them all!"
• It took Dr. C. Samuel West seventeen years to uncover the published research by Dr. Cecil K. Drinker, Dr. H. S. Mayerson, and Dr. Arthur C. Guyton - proving why and how the blood proteins and water come out of the blood stream to produce the conditions at the cell level that cause pain, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and all other crippling and killer diseases!
• Dr. C. Samuel West is the Father of Applied Lymphology to the lay public and also the Father of the Sodium Potassium Pump, since he discovered it and was the first person in the world to name it the Sodium-Potassium Pump and to call it the 'Electric Generator' of the cells. This electric generator maintains the delicate sodium potassium balance and gives all cells the POWER to work.
• In 1979 in Italy - Dr. C. Samuel West first attended the International Congress of Lymphology. He and his work were honored at this congress and he was then accepted as the 379th member of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL).
• In 1980 - Dr. C. Samuel West then wrote the Two Basic Formulas for Life and Death at the cell level, along with the 31 Step Equation for a step-by-step scientific explanation of these two basic formulas in detail.
• At the 1981 International Congress of Lymphology, in Montreal Canada, Dr. C. Samuel West presented the Formula For Life, the Formula For Death, and the 31 Step Equation detailing these formulas. These formulas along with the 31 Step Equation were totally accepted, without debate. These formulas make it possible to learn the cause of pain and disease in simplicity, which is priceless! These formulas also gave deeper and deeper understanding of how everything is interconnected — even how all the laws of the universe hinge from the laws of Love and Peace!
• In 2003 - Dr. C. Samuel West’s work was honored as he was a Nominee for four prestigious Nobel Prizes. The 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for research done on the Sodium Potassium Pump - which Dr. C. Samuel West discovered! Again, the Sodium Potassium Pump generates the POWER for all cells to work.
• In 2004 - Dr C Samuel West had a fatal accident in a Federal courtroom. Although there were many, many red flags surrounding his death, with enough perspective, everything is perfect. And the hind sight shows that there was a perfect plan for everything from the start. Interesting enough, he always said that they had already done everything but burn his house down or shoot him to stop him, and if they ever got him admitted into a hospital, they would kill him. Although the facts surrounding his death are disturbing for anyone who knows very many of the facts, he shared the belief that there is a perfect plan for everyone and everything. This is just to help you understand that many, many, many sacrifices have been made and he believed in giving his life, if necessary, to save lives and to bring this life saving information to you!
If you share a similar vision to Dr. West's, you are invited to become an Ambassadors for Health and Peace and/or Health Missionary to educate others.
'Dr Ez' (short for his middle name Ezra and pronounced - EH z) was born in Arizona, on Father's Day, a son of Dr. C. Samuel West. Both he and his father are world famous for their life saving and empowering work.
Dr Ez is one of the world's most knowledgeable, inspirational, life changing, health and empowerment experts. With 25 years of experience in developing training programs and speaking throughout the world, he has generated consistent success and empowerment of audiences.
• After graduating from college in 1993, Ez has been the honored guest of several radio and television spots, representing the virtues of Lymphology, which began right along side of his father. Dr Ez has since developed many new breakthrough solutions, improved processes, and educational materials.
• At the beginning of the AIDS scare in 1993, Ez took the initiative and challenge of helping zero convert AIDS victims. Zero converting means that the lymphatic system had purified their bodies to the point that the HIV antibodies didn’t even show up in their HIV blood screening tests.
• In 1994 - Ez credits divine inspiration for making a major breakthrough in his discovery of how to produce and transport adult stem cells with a revolutionary technique he later called Power Stem Cell™ technique. This is the one and only self-help process we know of that has been designed to enable you to produce and transport your own adult stem cells, without drinking urine or using any products, without needles, and without transporting someone elses blut print into your body!
Using this technique 21 years ago, Ez re-attached his PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) in his left knee, which had been completely severed as he was t-boned directly on the side of the left knee in a horrific wave runner accident. Both wave runners were spit up from end to end and completely totaled with his knee caught in between them! The one he was sitting on was knocked completely off it's chassis. His top orthopedic surgeons told him that his PCL would not re-attach on its own and would just be absorbed by the body over time, without surgery. He has had full use of his knee over the past couple of decades and now has a new MRI to prove that his PCL re-attached 21 years ago, without surgery!
Although there are countless factors in aging, this major breakthrough may help reverse some aspects of the aging process (the master of all degenerative diseases).
As a matter of historic record, twelve years after it's discovery, Ez was confident enough with is own success and the success of others to finally teach the Power Stem Cell™ technique for the first time to a live audience while being recorded on video in April of 2006. This technique is still very new considering the grand timeline. And through time, research will continue to prove how effective this techique really is. But for now, we don't know anyone with greater success stories - most of which have been produced over the past 9 years.
Power Stem Cell™ - is also the method that doesn't actually cost anything to actually do it, once you know how! Specifically produce and transport your own adult stem cells to where you would like to update your genetic data back to your perfect divine blueprint.
• In 1995 - Dr Ez was a participant of the International Congress of Lymphology in Sao Palo, Brazil, where he and his father provided two presentations: The Cause Of A.I.D.S., How The H.I.V. Virus Kills, And How To Stop It, and How Energy From Various Sources Can Activate The Lymphatic System To Heal The Body. At the same time, his father was honored to accept the assignment of Chairman over these and many other doctors’ presentations at this Congress. There Ez also met many of the top medical research scientists and lymphologists in the world, including past presidents of the society, Dr. Waldemar Lech Olszewski of Poland and Dr. Mario Degni of Brazil, who were on his father’s advisory board until he died. He also met Dr. Joseph Beninson of MI., Dr. Jack Shields of CA., Dr. Casley Smith of Austrailia, Drs Charles and Marlys Whitte of AZ., and many more.
Historically, Dr Jack Shields, was the first person to photograph the activation of the lymphatic system with Lymphography. And Dr John R Casley Smith, a former ISL Past President from Australia, wrote the Lymphatic Manifesto, revealing that even though the Lymphatic System is one of the 12-14 systems in the body, and even though the lymph vessels are more extensive than the blood vessels and there is more lymph than blood in the body, for every 200 pages in all the medical textbooks of Anatomy, Pathology, and Physiology, there is less than one page dedicated to share information about the lymphatic system.
Even today, there is still not one course on Lymphology is being taught in any University, Medical School, or any other College in the USA. This neglected area of research lays the scientific foundation of all the healing arts and reveals why it’s possible for people to heal themselves without drugs, surgery, or medication of any kind.
• In 1997 - Dr Ez was inspired with the laws governing Prenatal Empowerment™ to produce what he calls Power Plant Babies™. As far as we can tell over the past 18 years to show as a track record of results, the children who have been activated all 9 months in the womb by their parents with this protocol have all been born with the following traits: super healthy, born with their eyes open, self managed, very easy to get along with, and demonstrate signs of possessing a superior intelligence - including a photographic memory.
How many parents would love to learn the principles behind Prenatal Empowerment™? What social and economic impact will this have on the parents, their children, and society, as kids are so blessed? Dr Ez believes this may very well be the most powerful and revolutionary form of education in the history of the world! His son Andrew was winning 1st place at spelling bee's as soon as soon as he was old enough to enter (at four years old). Andrew recently graduated highschool early and moved to Hollywood to further develop his talents and live his dreams.
Dr Ez is a scribe for human software and has made it relatively effortless for you and anyone else who is willing to choose greater empowerment.
• In 1998 - due to the combination of skills, accomplishments, and experience, his father, Dr. C. Samuel West, stepped out of his position of Executive Director of his academy and asked Ez to fill his shoes as the Executive Director of the academy, with responsibility over all the technical aspects of science, educational materials and programs. Dr Ez had been diligently developing the actual science and new materials since 1993, so he easily accepted this responsibility as the new version of the Applied Lymphology Course (ALC) went through it’s biggest revision in history. This is only a few highlights of the full history, but shows the evidence of how his father, who was the #1 authority in the world on Lymphology, eventually recognized Dr Ez as the next leader. The history of evidence is enough for us to recognize Dr Ez at the #1 authority in the world on Lymphology. Dr Ez also leads the way with several other newly discovered, related categories, which he has been blessed to have discovered and developed. You really must study his work through Clarity University to understand how it is the science behind all empowerment. With a better foundation for everything, you can better accomplish anything.
The new Applied Lymphology Course, Power Heal™ YOU!, has gone through even greater improvements. The new Applied Lymphology materials and training programs teach why and how it’s possible to Power Heal™ and speed healing faster than ever before.
Dr Ez has a reputation for generating many live success stories wherever he speaks on the subject of Lymphology.
• In 2000 - Interesting enough, on the subject of Math, Ez came up with "A Mathematical Phenomenon". It's true purposes and functions have yet to be fully discovered. From the various shapes we've seen it take so far, it seems to have a lot to do with pyramid, toroid, and free energy math and science. In 2015 - 15 years later Dr Ez has provided some updates through our Zero Disease YouTube channel, which you may be interested in.
• In 2003 - Ez and his dance partner won 1st place in Cabaret at the largest Ballroom Dance competition in the State of California, The Embassy Ball. Cabaret is the type of ballroom dance where there are many lifts and requires great upper body strength and endurance. So the healing of any prior injuries is essential.
• In May of 2007 - Dr Ez credits divine inspiration again as he was enlightened with a process that enabled him to produce what he calls Instant Mass Healing™ - which he has been demonstrating on a regular basis in introductory events ever since, producing the same types of results every time. This process is only done with everyone's permission and seems to simply be a matter of the right combination of inspiration, education, and experience.
Dr Ez has a long history of public speaking: • Featured on The Discovery Channel - 'The Web' (A C-Net Show), as well as interviews in local news television and radio. • Extreme Health - (T Harv Ecker - Peak Potentials event with 1,000 people in attendance - standing ovation!) • Final Keynote Speaker for International Iridology Congress - recieved a standing ovation from 300 of the most well respected natural doctors in the world. • Total Health Convention (Canada) • Health Freedom Expo (United States) • Body, Mind, Spirit Expo (Canada) • International Congress of Lymphology (Brazil)
Some famous students of Lymphology include: • Will Green, Founder of the International Massage Association, and an advocate of Lymphology, gives Dr. C. Samuel West some credit for laying a good foundation for his success as Will was the first person in the world to make a million dollars as a Masseur.
• Anthony Robbins is a leading authority in Personal Development. He was a student of Dr. C. Samuel West’s from the time he was living in a cubicle and did his "walk" which began his success. The Applied Lymphology Course also lays the scientific foundation of all personal development. Our records show that Jim Britt and Dr. C. Samuel West were the first to really help Tony get started on his path.
Dr Ez has developed some of the most powerful processes for education, empowerment and healing and will expand your intelligence on so many levels we have not the space available to list them all here. He will amaze you with his in-depth knowledge in areas of hidden treasures of science. Dr Ez has completed his goals for building up the training systems to move this life changing work forward in a quantum leap and is now willing to share all with you.
The diagram below illustrates the importance of the lymphatic system.
Top - Blood Vessel (Capillary)
Middle - Body cells
Bottom - Lymphatic Vessels (Cappilary)
Left - Only enough fluid to fill the spaces around the cells - and that is all! Negative Pressure
Right - Trapped Blood Proteins create Excess Fluid, (Swelling or Inflammation), Excess Sodium, Lack of Oxygen Decreased Negative (Sub) Pressure to Positive Pressure After Six Gallons
This Research Reveals You have blood vessels going throughout your body, (positive pressure system, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your cells). You also have a set of lymphatic vessels going side by side the blood vessels. The main purpose of the Lymphatic vessels is to maintain and establish the perfect living environment of the cells, (negative pressure system, removes excess fluid so the cells can get the oxygen and nutrients from the blood). Only the lymphatic vessels can perform this function of maintaining the healthy, negative pressure environment of the cells. Again, the lymphatic vessels accomplish this by removing the excess and trapped blood protein and excess fluid/water from the spaces around your cells, in every organ and every part of your body, so all the cells can get oxygen from the blood stream. This is what makes it possible for your cells and body to function properly, so you will be free of pain, loss of energy and disease as long as you live.
Life Saving Research Now that you can learn how the blood proteins cause pain, loss of energy and disease, you can also take steps of prevention, (by living the Pure Laws and Principles), as well as learn how to activate the lymphatic vessels to reverse the effects of excess and trapped blood proteins and water around the cells, to eliminate pain, loss of energy and disease. This research clearly has the ability of helping to save millions of lives, including your own, but only if you will learn and apply it.