About Dr C Samuel West

Dr Corwin Samuel West - Nobel Prize Nominee

DN, ND, PMD* — (Doctor of Naprapathy, Naturopathy, Preventive Medicine, Chemist and Lymphologist

• In 1932 – he was born in Lakeside, Arizona (White Mountains/Pinetop area).
• In 1974 – he became the first person in the world to give public lectures on the lymphatic system, and in 1976 he began lecturing full time, in approximately 200 cities per year (about five to six cities per week) for seventeen years.

• By 1978 – Dr C Samuel West wrote, “If we could overcome pre-mature aging, the MASTER of all degenerative diseases, we could over come them all!”

• It took Dr C Samuel West seventeen years to uncover the published research by Dr Cecil K. Drinker, Dr H. S. Mayerson, and Dr Arthur C Guyton – proving why and how the blood proteins and water come out of the blood stream to produce the conditions at the cell level that cause pain, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and all other crippling and killer diseases!

• Dr C Samuel West is the Father of Applied Lymphology to the lay public and also the Father of the Sodium Potassium Pump, since he discovered it and was the first person in the world to name it the Sodium-Potassium Pump and to call it the ‘Electric Generator’ of the cells. This electric generator maintains the delicate sodium potassium balance and gives all cells the POWER to work.

• In 1979 in Italy – Dr C Samuel West first attended the International Congress of Lymphology. He and his work were honored at this congress and he was then accepted as the 379th member of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL).

• In 1980 – Dr C Samuel West then wrote the Two Basic Formulas for Life and Death at the cell level, along with the 31 Step Equation for a step-by-step scientific explanation of these two basic formulas in detail.

• At the 1981 International Congress of Lymphology, in Montreal Canada, Dr C Samuel West presented the Formula For Life, the Formula For Death, and the 31 Step Equation detailing these formulas. These formulas along with the 31 Step Equation were totally accepted, without debate. These formulas make it possible to learn the cause of pain and disease in simplicity, which is priceless! These formulas also gave deeper and deeper understanding of how everything is interconnected — even how all the laws of the universe hinge from the laws of Love and Peace!

• In 2003 – Dr C Samuel West’s work was honored as he was a Nominee for four prestigious Nobel Prizes. The 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for research done on the Sodium Potassium Pump – which Dr. C. Samuel West discovered! Again, the Sodium Potassium Pump generates the POWER for all cells to work.

• In 2004 – Dr C Samuel West had a fatal accident in a Federal courtroom. Although there were many, many red flags surrounding his death, with enough perspective, everything is perfect. And the hind sight shows that there was a perfect plan for everything from the start. Interesting enough, he always said that they had already done everything but burn his house down or shoot him to stop him, and if they ever got him admitted into a hospital, they would kill him. Although the facts surrounding his death are disturbing for anyone who knows very many of the facts, he shared the belief that there is a perfect plan for everyone and everything. This is just to help you understand that many, many, many sacrifices have been made and he believed in giving his life, if necessary, to save lives and to bring this life saving information to you!

If you share a similar vision to Dr. West’s,
you are invited to become an Ambassador for Health and Peace and/or Health Missionary to educate others.

Some famous successful students of Dr C Samuel West include:
• Will Green, Founder of the International Massage Association, and an advocate of Lymphology, gives Dr. C. Samuel West some credit for laying a good foundation for his success as Will was the first person in the world to make a million dollars as a Masseur.
• Anthony Robbins is a leading authority in Personal Development. He was a student of Dr C Samuel West’s from the time he was living in a cubicle and did his “walk” which began his success. The Applied Lymphology Course also lays the scientific foundation of all personal development. Our records show that Dr C Samuel West really helped Tony get started on his path.
• The late Wayne Dyer got started on his path learning about the ‘power of intention’ from Dr C Samuel West in Wayne’s living room, then Wayne wrote the book, The Power of Intention.

And of course:Some famous successful students of Dr C Samuel West include:
• Will Green, Founder of the International Massage Association, and an advocate of Lymphology, gives Dr. C. Samuel West some credit for laying a good foundation for his success as Will was the first person in the world to make a million dollars as a Masseur.
• Anthony Robbins is a leading authority in Personal Development.  He was a student of Dr C Samuel West’s from the time he was living in a cubicle and did his “walk” which began his success.  The Applied Lymphology Course also lays the scientific foundation of all personal development.  Our records show that Dr C Samuel West really helped Tony get started on his path.
• The late Wayne Dyer got started on his path learning about the ‘power of intention’ from Dr C Samuel West in Wayne’s living room, then Wayne wrote the book, The Power of Intention.

And of course:

Dr Stephen Ezra West

Doctor of Divinity, Theology, Lymphology & Preventive Medicine. Author, Public Speaker & Trainer. Creating new science, techniques, & systems.